Arnica Candle: The Story Behind The Scene

Arnica Candle: The Story Behind The Scene

As a Wellness Aficionado/a, you've discovered our Arnica Candle and can't get enough of this scent... Well you're not alone!

Many people ask me how I got the idea to develop this very unique scent, and I am more than happy to share this adventure with you. Here is the story of The Wellness Scent you’ve been craving for!

Seven Ways Scented Candles Can Increase Your Wellbeing Reading Arnica Candle: The Story Behind The Scene 2 minutes

As a Wellness Aficionado/a, you've discovered our Arnica Candle and can't get enough of this scent... Well you're not alone!

Many people ask me how I got the idea to develop this very unique scent, and I am more than happy to share this adventure with you. Here is the story of The Wellness Scent you’ve been craving for:

As an Osteopath, I work daily with Arnica oil. Being very thoughtful & caring about how my patients feel when coming to the clinic, I always loved to create a nice cocooning atmosphere by lighting an Amber candle.

By doing this ritual, my patients started to repeat “Gosh it always smells so good in here!”.

Slowly slowly, I realized that it was the mix of Arnica scent with the addition of Amber that was triggering people and make them feel relaxed, restored and at peace.

As I couldn’t find a similar scent in the existing candles on the market, that’s  how I got the idea to create my very own Arnica Candle. A candle to recreate the feeling that my patients experience when coming for their treatments. A feeling of being pain-free, relaxed, restored and taken care of. 

This is why I love this candle so much; because it is Authentic, Unique, and created from the Love of my job: Taking Care of People.

As patients, friends and customers keep telling me, our Arnica Candle has quite an Obsessive Scent. It is a symphony of Arnica flowers in bloom with peonies, warmed by the opulence of Amber. 

I hope you like it as much as I do!

Always with Love,

Your Osteo Charlotte



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